Shipping Policy

Shipments & Handling Cost
Local - via Poslaju
- Within West Malaysia (RM6) + (RM2 for each additional 3rd item order)
- Within East Malaysia Sabah & Sarawak (RM12) + (RM2 for each additional 3rd item order)
International - via EMS
- Actual cost will be confirm via email.

Shipments Method
MFG is situated Malaysia, which is why all shipments are shipped to respective destination from a location local and International. Reliable shipment companies that provide tracking services like Poslaju (for Local) and EMS (for International) are engaged for delivering all orders.

Delivery Guaranteed
Manfly Group (MFG) will keep you updated via email or SMS as soon as your order has been shipped. This notification will aid you greatly in the estimation of the duration, which your parcel may arrive. MFG will send with the tracking reference number of the shipment
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